Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What You Can Get In An Individual Health Insurance Coverage

You are not alone in this world for not having a health insurance just because your employer does not offer it or you are unemployed. According to the National Association of Health Underwriters, last year there was about 45 million Americans who were not able to have health insurance. Yes it may be true that the health care legislation that passed in 2010 will eventually require coverage for everyone but it will not be effective not unless it will be the year 2014. Since it is still far from now, then perhaps you can have your individual insurance coverage so as there will be someone to provide for your health care needs. If you live in Illinois, LTC insurance Illinois may help you.

Basically, a form of coverage that a person purchases independent of a group is what you mean by individual health insurance. This form of individual policy is best suited for those older unmarried adult, a self-employed person or an employee of a small business. If you are a young adult who is no longer eligible for coverage under their parents' plan, then you are also a candidate for this coverage.

More so, this individual health insurance can present to you a number of healthcare options. A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), a Preferred Provide Organization (PPO), a Health Savings Account (HSA) or a Fee-For-Service plan (FFS) may be best chosen by most people. HMO, an affordable option to choose can basically provide acess to a specific network of healthcare providers. On the other hand , PPO can be more costly, but it can allow more flexibility in your choice of healthcare providers. While HSA  can be a tax-free savings account which can allow you to put money aside for medical expenses. Lastly, FFS plan can basically give you a traditional coverage in which you pay for health care costs upfront and the insurance company reimburses you.

These individual health care policies can be marketed and sold in accordance with the state regulations. The benefits of these types are not as extensive as a group plan since in general they do not have a large pool to spread risk. An example is when a substance abuse treatment is often not part of an individual plan. More so, most of these insurance companies can greatly offer policy holders the option of purchasing a rider for additional coverage benefits. Examples of those most commonly forms of add-on coverage are maternity, prescription and vision coverage.

A licensed agent or broker may help you in buying individual insurance coverage. An independent health insurance brokers is the one in charged of finding the best health coverage for your needs. Usually, the independent broker sells insurance for a number of companies and has access to a wider variety of plans. You do not have to problem ad to how much you are going to pay for the broker since he will be paid on commission by the health insurance company. For more information on this, then you can always go online and search for the agents who sell individual health insurance over the Internet.

Surely, having individual healthcare coverage can make you be not more prone to those one-size fits all approach of group plans. Even those having a changing lifestyle or career is perfect for this. This individual life insurance can be used anywhere.

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